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Healthy Summer


Summer can be a time for rest, excitement, and long days of outdoor fun, but it also helps in some seasonal health risks. Pleasing precautions can keep these at bay and make summer more enjoyable and harmless. Although we cannot control the outside temperature, we can make sure we do everything that can be supportive in staying safe. The unfriendly climate can consume your energy and make you susceptible to infections, vomiting, nausea, low blood pressure, and tingling. Along with sunny days, warm weather, and additional outdoor activities, summer brings with it the hazard of sunburn, allergies, bug bites, and other potential difficulties that may affect our health. Summertime can be especially problematic and demanding compared to the other seasons. The stifling heat teamed with the sweat, rashes and sunburn can be irresistible and disrupt an individual’s daily routine to stay fit and active.

Tips for enjoying a healthy and illness-free summer: 1. Move More

Summer can be a great time for people to engage in more physical activity and improve their fitness. Being active is thought to reduce the risk of several cancers, heart problems, and the skin condition psoriasis, in addition to improving cognition in children and older adults. Physical activity can encourage and improve our mental health, avoid or fight obesity, boost fitness, and improve our sleep quality.

2. Protection from Sun

Sunlight is an exceptional source of vitamin D, and people need a small amount of sun exposure every day to stay healthy. Nonetheless, too much UV light from the sun can be hazardous, contributory to skin damage and cancer risk. UVA and UVB are the two diverse forms of sunlight in the atmosphere. Surplus UVA exposure may lead to a loss of elasticity, wrinkles, and premature aging of people’s skin.

UVB rays do not reach a deep layer of skin. They cause the redness and instant skin damage that people associate with sunburn.

To protect the skin from UVA rays, people can choose to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. The product a person picks should have a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 50.

3. Stay Hydrated

In hot weather, staying hydrated is important to replenish the fluids that the body loses through sweating. Drinks that consist of alcohol or caffeine are not effective against dehydration. Signs of dehydration include: -Dry mouth -Headache -Light-headedness -Dizziness -Little or no urination -Constipation -Muscle cramps

4. Wear Loose Clothes Needless to say, to stay cool in summer you need to wear loose clothes so that there is good air circulation. Avoid your synthetic trousers and dresses and move to cotton. While heading out, keep yourself protected from the harsh sun rays.

5. Eat Regularly, But Eat Light Never overeat during the summer because it makes you lazier. Summer-time tends to decrease one’s appetite because of the extreme heat. Due to which it is more significant for you to eat on regular bases in keeping you strong and healthy. The best thing to do is to follow a light diet with summer veggies like squash, bottle gourd, cucumber, and ivy gourd. Avoid heat generating foods such as eggs, meat, and other proteins.

References: [1] [2] [3] [4]

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